Monday, October 31, 2005

Laughter, happiness, sadness and joy

Ok, left with one more week of holidays. Guess I must try to find some way to make the best out of it.
The good news is... the school is paying me another $100 as a bonus for my administrative services...Cheers! Well, I guess there is some form of appreciation after all. Just the other day, we had a Staff Exercise Day, being the last day of school...well Yes! No more discipline problems to deal with.

So this exercise day was actually in line with keeping fit. There were various exercises for us to try:

1. Aerobics
2. Pilates
3. Gym workout
4. Soccer
5. Basketball
6. Table Tennis
7. Badminton
8. Basketball
9. Swimming

I went for Pilates ( had always wanted to do it as a Personal Development Program), but never found the time. Its not to say very easy, especially when your body is so stiff. But nevertheless, it was a good lesson of how to "de - stiff" your body after a long day of sitting in front of the computer.

After which, I went for a dinner with some of my co - workers from Polytechnic Forum 2005. One lecturer from Ngee Ann Poly gave us a treat at Marche, my what a feast! Though I concentrated more on talking rather than eating. Following that, we proceeded to an Alfresco Bar called Timbre, with good music and drinks. Anyone interested in late night drinking??? Let me know, this bar is real good. to get down to work now...Will write again later. : )

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Sometimes, I just cannot comprehend what goes on in the minds of Humans. Ever get that feeling where you are taken for granted, overworked and no form of appreciation comes back to you?
Well, I'm feeling exactly the same way now. Have been working for a long time in my Secondary School as a part - time teacher, and well...there are alot of things that has been bothering me:

- The stringent security ( This school is becoming like a prison, Guard Posts, CCTV cameras, security passes etc)
- School politics....dread it!!!
- Oversuspicious managers & supervisors

Just to name a few problems. I think they only person who appreciates my work is my Department Head and the teachers in the Mathematics Department.

Today can be described as "HELL!" There was just so much work to be done, finally, some time to myself alone (all my colleagues are in a meeting/field trip) in the office.

Whatever, it is, if I ever have the chance of holding a position of authority, I would ensure meritocracy prevails. Where people are rewarded for their hardwork and not taken for granted.


Ok, sadly to say, the weekdays never really give us time to ourselves. Yesterday, I had to accompany the Secondary 1 students to the Jurong Bird Park for the Mathematics Trail. I must say that it is one of the finest bird parks in the world with 9,000 birds housed in spectacular open concept displays and huge walk - in aviaries. However, I had no time to enjoy it, having to keep an eye on the students.
Today, was alot of manual labor and supervising. There has been a re - shuffle in my department's book inventory and the proposal for a Mathematics Resource Package for all teachers. This would consist of various textbooks and workbooks for their reference. Alot of shifting of heavy books. (Good training for National Service)
But, the reward came in the form of a mouth watering morning tea of glutinous rice and "chee kway", the salted vegetables were heavenly. I guess this is what makes Tiong Bahru market famous. Then in the afternoon, I had to supervise 6 boys in performing their Community Involvement in school. I can't understand why they need to leave these things to the last minute and find that they cannot pass the component. Troubling teachers...sigh...

Anyway, got a whole week of politicking. Got a Meet - the - people's session today and an MP's walk - about tomorrow. Will write again when I can... : )

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Catch up and chill out!

Yesterday was a rather good day, finally managed to take some time to chill out and relax.
Spent the morning and afternoon in church attending spiritual leadership classes and learning many new things about our Self Esteem with God, Self Control and Pursuits of Excellence.
In truth, our academics mean nothing when the day of judgement comes. What's most important is our faith.
Had lunch with one of my youth leaders and his family, it really reminded me of my childhood days just watching his son cheerfully drinking Ribena and munching on a hot dog bun.
The evening was something which I had been looking forward to for a long time. We had a chill out session with Mr. Joseph at Starbucks Coffee. This was on behalf of the HTM skit cast of 2004/05. Under Mr Joe's directorship, we had always received an overwhelming response, with audience spilling over to the outside of the lecture theatre. I guess his wittiness and humor had gave him the flair in writing comedy.
This was the 2nd session I had with Mr. Joseph, and I must say that I have benefitted alot. Apart from hearing all the jokes, was his lifestory which really touched my life and taught me some valuable lessons.
Looking forward for a 3rd session this Sunday when we all go for drinks at Bacaclava.

Will write again when I can.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

First entry

Well, I guess I am indeed behind many of my friends technologically. Ok, so I finally got a blog. I feel that it would act as a forum in which I could pour out my troubles, hurts and worries or note down happy moments.

This week has been a rather meaningful one with many lessons learnt. Finally, through some twist of fate, I managed to slip out of the busy hectic lifestyle I've been living (even during the holidays).

Thursday was International Chefs Day. Being a member of the Singapore Junior Chefs Club (SJCC), I had the opportunity to go down to Sunlove Dementia Day Care Center. On this special day every year, besides celebrating, it is our duty as Culinary professionals to contribute our time to the community.

The visit taught me 1 valuable lesson: " Count your blessings and reach out to touch & change the lives of the underpriveleged groups."
I was saddened by seeing some of the senior citizens who were suffering from Parkinsons disease and Alzhmeir's Disease. To the extent in which they couldn't even lift their spoon of food to their mouth. Also was one man who couldn't even walk or feed himself. But I was touched by the determination that all of them had to undergo therapeutic treatment and staying pro - active.
That night we had a sumptious spread at Pasta Fresca Da Salvatore to celebrate International Chefs Day. Gastronomical delights which tantalized our taste buds lined the buffet rows. While a 280kg steer (bull) was roasted over a hot fire. I felt rather lonely as hardly anyone from TAS came, but the company from Mr Neo, our new chef Jason and a few other friends did lighten the mood.

Unfortunately, I came down with diarrhoea the next day. Really suffered at my workplace having to run to and from the restroom. My only consolation is the clean and attached restroom our office had.

On a more positive note, I recovered fast. Today, I registered to start learning French from Alliance Francais. Though I have no idea what the textbook reads, but I guess it is a thing that will put me in good stead for my future career. Next was a trip down to ACS (Barker Road) to tutor a student for his 'O' level English and then an enjoyable afternoon watching Flightplan.
I would describe it as an action packed pulse pounding thriller, a must see for fans of suspense movies, with a good twist towards the end. Shan't say anymore to spoil the show. Haha

Well, got another busy week ahead. Will write again when I can. : )

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