Saturday, October 22, 2005

First entry

Well, I guess I am indeed behind many of my friends technologically. Ok, so I finally got a blog. I feel that it would act as a forum in which I could pour out my troubles, hurts and worries or note down happy moments.

This week has been a rather meaningful one with many lessons learnt. Finally, through some twist of fate, I managed to slip out of the busy hectic lifestyle I've been living (even during the holidays).

Thursday was International Chefs Day. Being a member of the Singapore Junior Chefs Club (SJCC), I had the opportunity to go down to Sunlove Dementia Day Care Center. On this special day every year, besides celebrating, it is our duty as Culinary professionals to contribute our time to the community.

The visit taught me 1 valuable lesson: " Count your blessings and reach out to touch & change the lives of the underpriveleged groups."
I was saddened by seeing some of the senior citizens who were suffering from Parkinsons disease and Alzhmeir's Disease. To the extent in which they couldn't even lift their spoon of food to their mouth. Also was one man who couldn't even walk or feed himself. But I was touched by the determination that all of them had to undergo therapeutic treatment and staying pro - active.
That night we had a sumptious spread at Pasta Fresca Da Salvatore to celebrate International Chefs Day. Gastronomical delights which tantalized our taste buds lined the buffet rows. While a 280kg steer (bull) was roasted over a hot fire. I felt rather lonely as hardly anyone from TAS came, but the company from Mr Neo, our new chef Jason and a few other friends did lighten the mood.

Unfortunately, I came down with diarrhoea the next day. Really suffered at my workplace having to run to and from the restroom. My only consolation is the clean and attached restroom our office had.

On a more positive note, I recovered fast. Today, I registered to start learning French from Alliance Francais. Though I have no idea what the textbook reads, but I guess it is a thing that will put me in good stead for my future career. Next was a trip down to ACS (Barker Road) to tutor a student for his 'O' level English and then an enjoyable afternoon watching Flightplan.
I would describe it as an action packed pulse pounding thriller, a must see for fans of suspense movies, with a good twist towards the end. Shan't say anymore to spoil the show. Haha

Well, got another busy week ahead. Will write again when I can. : )


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