Sunday, January 20, 2008


As they always say, look after your health.

Very true. Especially so when there's a flu bug in the air right now and some of my friends have gotten it or landed in hospital. As for those of who cannot resist alcohol like myself, DON'T DRINK TO INTOXICATE YOURSELF!!! Its simply not worth it.

Here's what a bottle of Shiraz, Champagne, Riesling and Moscato did to me. My level of consciousness (LOC) on the AVPU scale was a V...Verbal....I was rather disillusioned and on the verge of collapsing, cut my finger against the toilet door and tripped and bruised my left foot. In the end when I decided it was time to go back, 3 friends had to give me some water and let me take the cab first...rather embarassing since they are girls....

I was almost asleep on the cab, the taxi driver could hardly understand a word I was saying. When I alighted, I vomitted outside my neighbors house, lugged myself to my room, changed and collapsed in a heap on my bed.

The next morning, I awoke with a splitting headache and perpetual giddiness coupled with imbalance. Thought sleeping a while more would help but it didn't and eventually had to walk about, eat breakfast feeling giddy, got back home, did some studying and allow the alcohol to wear off about lunch time.

Trust me...the feeling sucks big time.

So....control, resist, abstain...if you can...

Ta ta

Saturday, January 05, 2008

A new beginning

Every new year, turns the page on our life, opening the window to a whole wide world of challenges and opportunties coming our way. What happened in the past, the good of it CHERISH, the not so good REFLECT upon it.

It is the dawn of a new year, and once again I get that feeling of sinking into disillusionment once always, my weekends are movies, eating and shopping. Will I really end up like Kym Ng's character in Gone Shopping...requiring the produce of a free economy to satisfy one's self...I hope not....

Just hate the fact when people abuse their powers for their own benefit and bring about the inconvenience of everyone else. I also can't understand how some uneducated individuals act as if they know everything, they should learn to humble themselves and recognize the fact that even the most knowledgeable professor at Harvard could learn something new everyday. To our disgust and abhorrence, these people hold leadership positions, which makes us worry for the people under their charge. The more I see this, the stronger my resolve to work hard and secure a position of authority in society, to change things for the better, the standard of living for the average Singaporean, and most of right every wrong....that justice will be done....

Anyhow, just thankful that I am able to pursue a new course at Singapore Medical Training Institute (SMTI), something outside my field. Have always be interested in Medicine since my secondary school days. But I've never had good enough results to qualify for an MBBS@NUS or John Hopkins.

Well, guess I just need a little more time....

Till next time....

Take care.

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