Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ups & Downs, Professionalism, Ethics...The Boardroom

The title may sound very Donald Trump The Apprentice like, but trust me, its nothing to do with that.

There is this saying, "What goes around, comes around." So how true exactly is that? I don't know how many of us believe in Karma, but in this world there is no such thing as permanent friends, only permanent interests.


3 different types: Casual, Close, Best. Sadly, I've never experienced how it feels like having a best friend. Perhaps I'll never have one. Then again, it just hurts so much when a close friend backstabs you. To draw an illustration, its like having a dagger plunged into your back, the initial reaction is not the physical pain, but the emotional hurt.

Julius Caesar (100BC to 44BC), Leader of the Roman Empire, the ides of March passed in the blink of an eye so much so that he laid at the feet of his former nemesis Pompey, drenched in a pool of blood. Brutus and Cassius were initially Caesar's close friends and allies, however, feeling that Caesar was becoming too much of an autocratic, decided that the best way for the Republic to survive was the death of Caesar.

On a typical day in Rome, Julius Caesar left his house for the senate, oblivious to the plot crafted against him. Believing that this senate session would be one which he would be crowned as King of the Roman Empire. Despite many warnings by the soothsayer, a spirit and even his wife, Caesar made the trip down to the senate building.

While he was addressing the senate, the evil & wicked conspirators moved in, daggers drawn, poised and ready to deliver their "diplomatic" mission for the nation. One after the other, they plunge their daggers into Caesar's back, finally it was all up to Brutus to deliver the final blow.

"Et tu Brute?"

This was Caesar's final words. It meant "even you Brutus?"

There are many analogies as to how Caesar died. One of which has intrigued me. It states that Julius Caesar, a war hero, was a very strong man, who probably could survive all 33 stabs. However, it was the final stab, by Brutus, his so - called best friend. The betrayal he felt, was even more excruciating then the other 32 knife wounds, so hurt was he that he gave up his life to move on to another world.

Well, that was just a thought that ran through my mind. In the corporate world, you can't trust anybody. Your colleagues will always be colleagues, even if 1 or 2 of them become very friendly towards you. Sometimes, we just want to be nice, but one can be sure that your kindness would not only never be repaid, but it would be taken for granted, or worse, used against you.


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